vendredi 15 juin 2007

Bad news from Austrlia

Lors de mon séjour en Australie j'avais eu un excellent contact avec les membres de l'équipe Tomago

Il y a quelques jours, nous avons reçu des nouvelles sur de récents orages qui se sont abattus sur la région dans laquelle j'ai séjournée.

Afin de ne pas déformer ce qui nous a été envoyé et après avoir obtenu son accord, je vous joint ci-dessous le mail de Ian qui nous a tenu informé.

Hello Odile and guys,

I thought the Schneider people who are familiar with Newcastle might be interested in this.

I don't know whether you have heard about this on the news recently, but over the last week we have had some very wild weather here in Newcastle. It caused a lot of severe flooding in the country areas around Newcastle, as well as a lot of 'flash' flooding in the city itself. Altogether, 9 people were killed in the area as a result of the storms and the flooding. Many houses and buildings were also damaged, and there were many cars wrecked by the waters.

Luckily, everyone in our area at Tomago is OK, and does not have much damage to houses and other property.

I have attached some pictures of the city's latest acquisition - at the height of the storms a 40000 tonne bulk coal ship was driven ashore onto Nobby's beach, which I'm sure you remember well. It is an amazing sight to see the ship, which is 225 metres in length, stuck fast on the beach, so close that at low tide you could wade out and touch it. No-one knows whether the ship can be salvaged, or will be stuck on the beach for a long time.

Hope you are all well, and that the weather is much kinder there.


Hi Ian,

Thanks to keep us inform about you and the rest of the guys we met during our work in your country.

I'm currently in Argentina with the other Bruno and we only see a few lines in the newspapers about your situation in Newcastle.

Sometimes we have that kind of situation in France (perhaps not so strong as the one you faced) and I can easly imagine that it is a dramatic period for some people.

The photos you sent me are very impressive. Specially the ship on the Nobby's beach and I remember that last year, at about the same period, I was going from time to time to that place.

Hopefully, you , your family and the other guys seemed to be affected not too much. I'm very pleased of this.

In Argentina, the weather is better but very very cold. Perhaps you have some news from Jim SPINK that is also involved on the project.

Best regards.


Hello Bruno,

Hope things are going well in Argentina - we heard from Jim Spink that there has been a strike with the workers there.

The weather here is not too bad now, though we are expecting some more rain soon.

The ship on the beach is becoming a huge tourist attraction (as you can see from the attached picture). People are now saying that it may be impossible to salvage the ship, so if you ever get to come back, it could still be there!

Best wishes.


Et dire qu'il y a un an à cette même date, j'étais en ce même lieu à regarder les surfeurs …

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